I hope you all had a wonderful holiday. Now that the holidays are over, I am sure many of you are setting resolutions for yourselves. I have some guidance for that: BALANCE. Life throws a lot at us sometimes and in this busy world, it is easy to become out for balance: mentally and physically. This leads to increased stress, poor sleep, and illness. So I ask you to set 1 intention for the New Year and approach it with integrity and balance. You don't have to put pressure on yourself, accomplish everything at once, but think of 1 thing you would like to create in your life in 2025 and stick to it. We often strive to be perfect, handling everything without self care, which always ends up failing as it is simply too much! One thing at a time and be happy with small accomplishments. After all, this is your life, and it's your right to choose how you want to live each day.
Secondly, it is definitely cold and flu season so I encourage you to come in for Acupuncture to increase your immune system and decrease stress. I can also suggest supplements and herbs to help keep you healthy!
Hope this finds everyone well and excited for what unexpected joy may come to you in 2025! Be kind to yourself and enjoy. Sending health and happiness to all, Jane
